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Identifier: historyofbritish05macg
Title: A history of British birds, indigenous and migratory: including their organization, habits, and relations; remarks on classification and nomenclature; an account of the principal organs of birds, and observations relative to practical ornithology ..
Year: 1837 (1830s)
Authors: Macgillivray, William, 1796-1852
Subjects: Birds — Great Britain
Publisher: London, Printed for Scott, Webster, and Geary
Contributing Library: American Museum of Natural History Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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d as far as AsiaMinor. Dr Latham informs us that it has been sometimes met within Devonshire ; Dr Pulteney, that two or three specimens havebeen shot in Dorsetshire ; Lord Stanley is said to have shotone in Lancashire ; and another is reported to have been killedin Battersea Fields, in 1805. Mr Yarrell states that he hasbeen told of two instances of its having been killed in York-shire, and mentions its occurrence in Lincolnshire, Norfolk,and Hampshire. Although Sir Robert Sibbald includes itamong the birds of Scotland, it has not been obtained in thatcountry for many years. The above descriptions are takenfrom two specimens in my collection, a male and a female,which I purchased from Dr Madden, to whom they had beensent by their owner, as having been shot near Nottingham.That gentleman afterwards obtained for me a certification ofthe fact by the person who had procured them. 80 PICUS PIPRA. THE PIED WOODPECKER. GREATER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. WHITWALL. WOOD-PIE. FRENCH-PIE.SNAGANDARAICH.

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Fig. 203. Picus major. Linn. Syst. Nat. I. Picus major. Lath. Ind. Orn. H. Greater Spotted Woodpecker. Mont. Orn. Diet. Pic ^peiche. Picus major. Temm. Man. dOrn. I. 395. Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Picus major. Selb. Illustr. I. 376. Picus major. Greater Spotted Woodpecker. Jen. Brit. Vert. An. 150. Male with the upper part of the head^ the hacJc^ and a hand onthe side of the necTc^ hluish-hlacJc; a patch of crimson on the hind-head ; a broad band of white over the forehead and under the eye,a patch on the side of the necJc, a narrow line over the eye, andthe scapulars, white ; the loicer parts brownish-white, exceptingthe abdomen and loioer tail-coverts, which are crimson. Femalesimilar, but with the occiput black, the white parts tinged withyellow, and the loicer pcde-brown. Young icith the black partstinged with broicn, and the top of the head crimson. Male.—This species, which is about the size of the MisselThrush, is rare in all parts of Britain, although very exten- PJEU WOOD

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