A,B,C,D… which answer is most common on multiple choice questions? Is the old advice to “go with C when in doubt” actually true?

In this video, I’ll reveal the answer. Additionally, we’ll go over five useful strategies you can use to improve your performance on these types of questions – whether they’re on your ACT/SAT/GCSE exams or just on a pop quiz.

Need more test tactics? Check out The Ultimate Guide to Acing your Final Exams:

My book “10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades” is completely free, so check it out if you’re interested in improving your grades!


Videos you might want to watch next:

Confidence Tracking: A Brain Hack for Your Exams –

How to Stop Making Dumb Mistakes on Exams –


If you want to get even more strategies and tips on becoming a more productive, successful student, subscribe to my channel right here:

This week’s podcast episode – How to Build Your Vocabulary:

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~ created by Thomas Frank


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